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Tree Planting & Transplanting

 We offer expert tree planting and transplanting services, including hedge planting and arboretum design. Whether you're  landscaping or relocating a tree, our skilled team can help.

We provide detailed planting specifications outlining procedures for successful tree establishment. With our expertise, we can help your trees thrive and your landscapes flourish for years to come.


For small tree and shrub planting, garden design or even vegetable garden installation- contact Heritage Grounds Maintenance today!

tree & hedge planting services

Right Tree- Right Place

Planting success begins with choosing the right species for your landscape. We match trees to your site’s unique conditions - soil, light, water, space, and climate - ensuring healthy growth and reduced maintenance.


Proper tree planting involves digging the right-sized hole, positioning the tree with the trunk flare at soil level, backfilling with original soil and watering to minimize air pockets. Regular watering and formative pruning help young trees thrive. We source top-quality trees from trusted nurseries in Cork, Kerry, Limerick, and West Cork, following Irish Standards and biosecurity protocols.

Tree transplanting is a complex process particularly for species with low transplant tolerance. We follow ISA and British Standard guidelines to minimise stress, relocating trees during their dormant season, when conditions are ideal for root establishment. We offer aftercare maintenance plans to support tree survival and growth.

Whether planting new trees or relocating established ones, Heritage Tree Care Ltd. ensures a seamless process for long-term success. Contact us today to discuss your project.

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