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BS5837:2012 Planning Surveys
Heritage Tree Care Ltd. offer a comprehensive tree survey to support your planning applications. Our report includes: A Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment (AIA), Tree Constraints Plan and Tree Clearance Plan, ensuring your development complies with local planning regulations.
The complete report is essential for securing planning permission on development sites with trees, as it outlines which trees should be kept or removed and evaluates the impact of the development.
Once planning approval is granted, we help ensure safe construction practices with an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) and Tree Protection Plan (TPP).

Complete Tree Surveys for Planning Permission
Heritage Tree Care Ltd. offers comprehensive tree surveys essential for securing planning permission. Our reports include BS5837:2012 Tree Surveys, Arboricultural Impact Assessments (AIA), Tree Constraints Plans and Tree Clearance Plans (if required). This detailed assessment evaluates tree health, structure and risks, identifies which trees should be retained or removed, and outlines mitigation measures for any Root Protection Area (RPA) incursions caused by the development.
These reports are integrated into a single, comprehensive assessment, ensuring that all necessary information for planning applications is provided. This approach guarantees that the impact of proposed developments on trees is thoroughly evaluated and mitigated. The complete AIA is prepared for submission to the local planning authority, ensuring compliance with all relevant planning requirements.
Once planning approval has been granted, you will require an Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) and Tree Protection Plan (TPP). The AMS ensures safe construction near trees, while the TPP outlines measures to protect trees during development, including protective fencing and monitoring.
Whether you're a developer, architect, or landowner, we offer complete guidance through the planning process, from initial surveys to final approval.